Clinics in London and Bedford
Open Mon-Fri 9-5pm

Focused Shockwave Therapy

How does the treatment work?

Focused shockwave therapy is an advanced form of shockwave therapy proven to be up to 65 times more powerful than the standard version used by most other clinics.

Shockwave therapy has been around for many years and works by sending electromagnetic shockwaves into an injured or painful part of the body. Research has shown that these shockwaves help to stimulate the production of collagen and stem cells. Collagen and stem cells are what the body uses to heal an injury. Over 100 research papers have proven its effectiveness and it is regarded as one of the safest orthopaedic treatments available within medicine.

What happens during a consultation?

During a consultation our experienced team carry out a comprehensive examination that involves the use of digital biomechanical scans to help identify issues and imbalances in the body which haven’t previously been identified. The results from the scans help the team to better understand why an individual has struggled to experience relief with other therapies in the past, allowing them to perform more targeted treatment with the shockwave technology available at the clinic.

We often combine the use of different therapy devices during each appointment to help to achieve the best results possible for our patients. If you would like to book a consultation then please call 01234 731770.